
Our repricing feature helps you find and update your price watches that have extremely low desired prices. If the price you've chosen to be alerted at is below the lowest price ever recorded for a product, we'll flag those watches and ask you if you want to set the desired price to a level that is both a good deal and a price more likely to be realized.

For each watch of yours that we find with a desired price less than the best price ever seen, we'll set a new, better desired price to the lesser of two values: the good deal price (the price that is just 5% higher than the best price ever; and our definition of a good deal) or the current price - €0.01. If the product's current price is already less than the good deal price, we'll set the desired price to the current price - €0.01.

In this way you should receive no immediate alerts after running the repricing tool. You will, however, end up with price watches that are much more likely to alert you eventually. And when they do alert, the price you will be alerted at is guaranteed to be a good deal!